This article was contributed by Richard who works as a technology consultant helping business owners and CTOs. Whether we’re talking about employees working from home or people from other parts of the world, remote work is part of an organization’s activity nowadays. And considering the benefits (flexibility, easy access to a wider talent pool, faster access to experts), it makes sense that more companies are open to having remote teams.  However, we also have to consider the risks, especially now when ill-intended actors in the cyber world are out to get companies of any size. Customers’ data and intellectual property are hot commodities on the black cyber market, so it’s in a company’s best interest to invest in high-end security systems.  But one system is not enough to battle the multitude of cyber threats out there. Companies nowadays need a layered system with extra security measures and solid policies, and they have to educate their employees on cybersecurity basics.  In today’s article, we are going to talk about the extra security measures you can implement if your systems run on Windows. 

#1: Use Multi-Purpose, Secure Software Apps

Third-party apps are often the gateway for ill-intended actors because they are not as well-regulated as an operating system (OS). Plus, when you work with several different apps, it’s difficult to keep up with their update needs, which often leaves your system vulnerable in front of attacks. To avoid such a grim scenario, it’s best to work with an all-in-one platform that has everything you need to run the business. This way, you have only one platform to supervise and keep track of. 

#2: Stay Up to Date with the Latest Threats

The world of cybercrime is diverse and forever changing, so you can’t let your guard down. Plus, ill-intended actors are always on the lookout for undiscovered vulnerabilities they can exploit.  This is why it’s crucial that you keep all your systems and apps up to date, but you should also pay attention to what security specialists are saying. Windows security specialists are pretty active when talking about newly discovered vulnerabilities, so make sure to follow them on social media to learn about new threats in real time!

#3: Use an Intuitive Business Cloud VPN

Reliable VPN services, like the ones provided by, are a great extra solution when working with remote teams. VPNs add a layer of protection (all of your communications are encrypted) and anonymity, even from your internet service provider.  Plus, nowadays, you don’t have to worry about low speeds or a crowded network. The best VPN solutions will provide the best internet access possible with an added layer of protection when it comes to who can access your business network. 

#4: Train Your Employees

It’s not a technical solution, but it is a practice that works! Often, the human factor is the weakest link in the security chain, so by training your employees, you also strengthen your security system. Your employees and remote collaborators need to know why security policies are important and why they must be followed to a T, even if they seem redundant or cumbersome (at times). Plus, remote workers must know how to protect their own devices in order to avoid compromising your network.

About the author

Richard has an established career as a technology consultant, helping business owners and CTOs harness new technologies for their businesses. He regularly writes and muses about emerging technology.

4 Important Windows Security Tips for Remote Teams - 4