The giveaway is his biggest since 2000, and representing around 38% of his current ownership and bringing his personal stake down to approximately 1.3%. The shares are valued at $4.6 billion, a far cry from the 1999 donation of $16 billion, but still a significant number. The recipient of the gift is unknown, but Bloomberg speculates it’s part of his regular donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. According to Bloomberg, Gates has probably directed over 700 million shares into the foundation, worth $50 billion if he had held onto them.

Bill Gates Role in Microsoft

Whatever his stake, Bill Gates will remain an influential man at Microsoft, though he doesn’t work at the company anymore. The 61-year-old still remains a board member and advisor to current CEO Satya Nadella, particularly in the area of Office. It’s clear, however, that he no longer sees it as his main purpose. His foundation is now one of the largest transparently operated in the world and has funded Malaria control, health policy, sanitation, and development schemes across the planet. Most recently, he joined Instagram, posting a photo from Tanzania, where he had lunch with Muheza school children. This latest gift appears to simply be an extension his Giving Pledge, where he joined 168 others by promising to give the majority of his wealth to charity.

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