This mirrors the original and most famed Bitcoin Easter egg, the Times headline “Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”. That headline has now been found to also be coded as an hexidecimalized version. So, this is a variant on the Easter egg we already know about. January 3. 2009 is considered genesis of Bitcoin. That’s when the first block was activated by Satoshi Nakamoto, who created the original code.

Before continuing, it is worth noting the “encrypted” version of the Easter egg is located in the code as such when converted to an alpha-numeric text: sknab rof tuoliab dnoces fo knirb no rollecnahC 9002/naJ/30 semiT ehT In Bitcoin code, blue text is pseudocode of the original genesis block. This isn’t real code, but instead is the explanation of the code. The real coding for Bitcoin included the famos Times headline Easter egg, so there must have been blue code. It has taken 10 years to find it, but not it has been found. The variable is located on line #1616.

Bitcoin Growth

Of course, a lot has happened with the cryptocurrency since its inception 10 years ago. A single bitcoin is now worth thousands of dollars and miners dedicated huge resources and time to finding currency. It has been a rocky and controversial road for the cryptocurrency. Microsoft temporarily banned the currency before reinstating it earlier this year. The company never said why it banned the currency, simply citing “several issues”.

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