This article was contributed by Cynthia Madison who works as an author at Computer batteries may not explore that often, but you need to be cautious when they do. The problem is, how do you tell your laptop is going to crash? Regardless of their quality or price, computers don’t last forever, and this is a well-known fact, at least, we hope so. Viruses, Windows issues, and malware scans are real problems, but a battery explosion beats them all. PC batteries can explode from various causes, but the most common is excessive heating. You might have noticed a sudden and more intense heat when using your laptop, but did you ever wonder where it comes from? Or what habits did lead to such a problem? It’s common for people to ignore computer overheating, which is one reason their laptop batteries explode. If you’ve got a Lithium-ion battery, the chances for your computer to explode are even higher, as these can be easily damaged by extreme storage heat exceeding 60 degrees Celsius, manufacturing faults, overcharging, or product tampering. Accidental exposure to fire or a spark can also enhance the exploding risk of the battery, so be sure you are particularly mindful of these aspects before just blaming the manufacturer or other external factors. Here are some of the most common signs of a potential battery explosion and helpful tips for avoiding such catastrophe, so stay tuned not to miss something important.
Your Windows PC Overheats Frequently
We’re pretty sure you can relate to this, mainly if, from time to time, your laptop produces a burning sensation on your legs while using it. It’s annoyingly unpleasant, but apart from this itchy sensation, you must consider the long-term damage your computer may be prone to if left uncooled. The various hardware components can get damaged, and this can be permanent. Slower speed and lower performance are just some of the most apparent consequences of overheating, but a permanent shutdown is also possible. In fact, some systems are designed to smash as a last resort to avoid more disastrous damage like battery explosion. The best way to prevent such problems is to keep your PC’s temperature cool and constant. For laptops, the solution is to avoid putting them on a plush surface and always consider a flat surface. It’s because such surfaces can block airflow, that is, it slows down the air circulating through laptop components and traps heat inside. To ensure things stay cool, opt for a lap cooler or desk according to which best aligns with your needs. When it comes to desktop computers, things are usually easier. Just make sure no blanket covers the fan vents and clean the inside of your computer from time to time with the help of a professional. It’s crucial not to let dust, liquids, and dirt run wild because these can heat your PC’s components and make its fans function harder. In the worst case, your computer battery explodes, but let’s not go that far. If you take good care of your computer and prevent this disaster in advance, you don’t have to worry. However, what if this event happens at work? Working in front of a computer has become a comfort but also a challenge since numerous risks are involved. One of the many risks relates to a computer battery explosion. You surely don’t want to think about that, but still, if it ever happens to be the victim of such an incident at work, you need to take the proper steps. First, it’s your employer’s responsibility to ensure all the necessary conditions in the working environment, including impeccably functioning computers with regular updates and upgrades, so you have the right to claim compensation if a computer explodes in front of you. Injury At Work Claims Expert recommends always working with a professional personal injury lawyer who can help you receive maximum compensation for your injuries, whether physical or psychological.
Your Computer May Become Slower
Everyone must have dealt with a slow computer in the past, but is this even possible with today’s technological advancements? It is! If you don’t take good care of your PC, you’re likely to make it run slower. Unused software or bloatware and excessive hard drive storage are some of the most common causes of poor computer performance, but overheating the battery is also a leading cause of unresponsive and sluggish functionality. This might be a tell-tale sign that your computer is going to crash, so you must take proper steps to stop this disaster. When your hard drive can bear no more files, your PC will take more time to carry out specific tasks, and it’s only normal. Isn’t it the same with the human body? We’re exhausted, too, when working too much. The first step towards a speedier computer is running a malware scan. This action depends on whether you have Windows or macOS. In the former case, you must open the Task Manager. If you can’t find it, search for its name through the taskbar. In the latter case, you have to open the Activity Monitor. The same situation here: if this program is not at your hand, look for it in the Spotlight. Once open, the program will show you a list of presently active programs, some more familiar than others. Suppose this malware scan brings no results and comes up blank, shut down the Windows and then restart these programs. Non-malicious buggy programs may be the culprits, so act consequently. Ultimately, you can speed up your computer by uninstalling some programs and software you no longer need. You’d be amazed at how helpful PC decluttering can be. Other critical warning signs that your PC battery is going to explode: It’s hard to believe that computers explode, but when improperly maintained, they really do. Thus, consider checking up on your Windows device regularly to prevent a catastrophe.
About the author
Cynthia Madison is an author at with a solid technical, business, and financial foundation. She’s responsible for providing share-worthy articles that deliver value straight to the point. Cynthia enjoys watching thought-provoking TED talks on technology advancements in her spare time. She lives a “never stop learning” life.