The feature will link users and allow them to either be mentors or mentees. On the mobile app users will be matched up between mentees and mentors, connecting them by elements they have in common. The connections would be friends, education, location, and profession. Facebook has been pushing enterprise-focused features for some time. The company launched Facebook Workplace last year as a way to connect business users. The service brings custom integration that allows users to add software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions into the network. CRM and productivity apps can also be added. Microsoft has embraced the platform with Office 365 integration. A direct play for LinkedIn users is obvious. Microsoft’s network is business-oriented and has the market cornered. With the largest enterprise dataset in the world, LinkedIn has given Microsoft a major advantage. While Facebook is trying to get into LinkedIn territory, Microsoft is moving the other way. Earlier this month, LinkedIn introduced a new Audience Network that aims to increase the advertising potential of the network.

Room for All

The days of Facebook pushing Myspace out of the market and there only being room for one service have gone. Users are increasingly happy to spread themselves across services that give them different things. Facebook for social, LinkedIn for business, Twitter for news. I have previously argued each service will likely be safe from encroaching rivals as consumer are more savvy these days. However, that will not stop Microsoft and Facebook from trying to match each other and effectively steal members.

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