1 Features2 Upcoming Features

Now, LinkedIn is rolling out its new Groups environment, and the feature is moving away from its roots. You may remember the original LinkedIn Groups was something like Yahoo Answers. It allowed users to ask questions and have them answered… simple enough. Sure, we all love (or loved) a bit of Yahoo Answers, but LinkedIn wants something more fitting with modern social networks. With that in mind, the new Groups experience seeks to make conversations more network based. Engaging and sharing is a big part of the feature, allowing users to share media like videos and images. Groups also work across platforms, with syncing across apps on iOS, Windows, and Android.


Below are the features currently available in LinkedIn Groups:

More engaging conversations: To give you richer ways to participate in your groups, you’ll now be able to post original videos, multiple images, and other rich embedded media. You’re also able to reply to comments and edit your posts and comments. Always stay up-to-date: We’ve heard from you that you want better ways to keep up with the conversations and activity happening in your groups so we’ve added these notifications on LinkedIn. For example, you’ll be updated when someone comments on one of your posts in the group, or when new people request to join a group you manage. Access anytime, anywhere: Easily get involved in your groups on-the-go from the LinkedIn iOS and Android app. Admins will also be able to take all group management actions from mobile, such as messaging group members, accepting requests to join, or removing any posts that break group rules.

Upcoming Features

LinkedIn also discussed what users can expect from Groups in the near future. Included are improved navigation, carrying conversations to a feed, and efficient discovery for new groups:

Navigate to your groups more easily: You’ll be able to quickly find and get to your groups right a navigation panel on the LinkedIn home page. Keep the conversation going from your LinkedIn Feed: Soon you’ll be able to start and join conversations in your groups right from your main feed. You’ll be able to reply to comments or share an interesting article without having to navigate to your group. Easily discover new groups that match your interests: Looking for new groups you may want to join? You’ll be able to discover recommended groups based on your network and interests from the My Network tab on desktop. LinkedIn Debuts New Groups Experience with Focus on Engaging Users - 82LinkedIn Debuts New Groups Experience with Focus on Engaging Users - 98LinkedIn Debuts New Groups Experience with Focus on Engaging Users - 61LinkedIn Debuts New Groups Experience with Focus on Engaging Users - 36LinkedIn Debuts New Groups Experience with Focus on Engaging Users - 82