1 Azure L-Series VM Prices2 Dv3 and Ev3 VMs

Those VMs represent Microsoft’s storage-optimized line, launched recently for workloads that require low latency. The VMs are available in five regions currently, Canada Central, Canada East, East US 2, West US, and US Gov Virginia.

Azure L-Series VM Prices

Though the amount varies depending on your instance, general savings are in the 60-69% range. That’s a very considerable decrease and should help to draw in new customers. The currently monthly estimates for Azure L-Series are as follows:

Dv3 and Ev3 VMs

Microsoft has also taken the opportunity announce its new, Hyper-Threaded VMs. The Dv3 line is for general purpose workload, while a new Ev3 line offers memory optimized workloads. “This shift from physical cores to virtual cores is a key architectural change in our VMs that enables us to unlock the full potential of the latest processors,” says Senior Director Brian Hillger. “This new generation will introduce sizes with 64 vCPUs on Intel® Broadwell E5-2673 v4 2.3 processor and with 432 GiB of memory on the largest Ev3 sizes.” The latest generation offers a price cut of up to 28% over the previous one, meaning further cost reductions and matching AWS. Though the new VMs won’t be available for a couple of months, users can provision Dv2 Promo VMs at the same, lower prices today. You can find more information on Microsoft’s latest price drops at the Azure blog.

Microsoft Announces up to 69  Discount on Azure L Series VMs - 57Microsoft Announces up to 69  Discount on Azure L Series VMs - 7Microsoft Announces up to 69  Discount on Azure L Series VMs - 43Microsoft Announces up to 69  Discount on Azure L Series VMs - 82Microsoft Announces up to 69  Discount on Azure L Series VMs - 11