Spanish online retailer posted a listing for Project Scorpio that showed the price of the console. The listing revealed a launch price of 399.99 Euros (about US$430). The website has since removed the listing, but of course many people grabbed a screencap. There are a few things to consider here, and I will start with the most cynical angle. If a hot product is just around the corner, some retailers will add these kinds of listings just to generate heat and visitors. That is not just an opinion by the way, when I worked in the smartphone industry it was known that retailers do this. Basically, it is possible this listing price was simply made up. It is also worth checking out the “box” which is merely a Microsoft promotional shot.

— DesiXS (@desixbl) April 19, 2017

Project Scorpio Price

Some retailers do put a price on their placeholder pages, but it is usually a super high cost such as $999.99. When this happens, it is usually very close to launch. It is worth remembering that Xbox Scorpio will not launch until June and will not be available to customers until later in the year. I think it’s too early for a placeholder page with price, Microsoft has probably not even told retailers the final cost of Project Scorpio. I think it’s too early for a placeholder page with price, Microsoft has probably not even told retailers the final cost of Project Scorpio. Lastly, it would be amazing if the console drops at a price of $430.

Project Scorpio Listings Leaks Price at  430 - 50Project Scorpio Listings Leaks Price at  430 - 63Project Scorpio Listings Leaks Price at  430 - 60Project Scorpio Listings Leaks Price at  430 - 45Project Scorpio Listings Leaks Price at  430 - 67