However, the company may be pushing its bendy screen technology to larger devices, including a laptop. “Like foldable smartphones, Samsung is collaborating with display makers to develop laptops with foldable displays that will not just simply fold in and out but create new value and user experience, amid the changing market trends for laptops,” said Lee Min-cheol, vice president at marketing for PCs at Samsung, during a laptop event in South Korea this week. It is worth noting Samsung’s take on folding screen is different to Microsoft’s Surface Phone. Redmond’s oft-rumored game-changing smartphone is a folding device that is in two parts. Samsung has been exploring bending screen technology. If applied to a laptop, such a tech could transform the form factor. 2-in-1 devices move through acrobatic swivels and tilts to move from tablet to laptop mode, a folding screen could possibly allow for new designs. While Samsung has a few Windows 10 devices on the market, it seems it will work with other OEMs for its display tech.

Unbreakable Display

Earlier this year, we reported on Samsung’s breakthrough in display technology. The company created a flexible display that does not break easily. The technology could be the forefront of new smartphones where users won’t have to worry about shattering the screen. The innovative technology was created by Samsung Display. Engineers created the glass by developing “an unbreakable substrate and an overlay window securely adhered to it”. Hojung Kim, general manager of the Communication Team for the division says this revolutionizes screen technology: “The fortified plastic window is especially suitable for portable electronic devices not only because of its unbreakable characteristics, but also because of its lightweight, transmissivity and hardness, which are all very similar to glass”

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