According to reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi, there is a new subscription service known as “Telegram Premium” in development. This special version of the app would provide unique access and features, such as more reactions and premium stickers. Unfortunately, Paluzzi does not know how much Telegram will charge for this service. It will also need to provide more interesting features. I don’t think customers will have much interest in paying for stickers and reactions, but who knows. Telegram is usually an innovator in the messaging space. However, rival app WhatsApp is also rumored to be working on a subscription model. This will be for business users who will be able to connect 10 devices on the same account.

ℹ️ With “Telegram Premium” you can unlock premium stickers, additional reactions and more. — Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) May 1, 2022


It seems Telegram is taking a different path and Telegram Premium will instead focus on the company’s consumer users. Not least because Telegram already offers multi-device login as part of its standard service. Telegram is a rare major app that keeps its Windows app version up to a high standard. In March, the company added stream exporting to its Windows application. Support for external streaming support comes via a collaboration with XSplit and OBS Studio. Alongside this new ability, the app is also getting the ability to share short links for profiles and a new download manager. Tip of the day: Having problems with pop-ups and unwanted programs in Windows? Try the hidden adware blocker of Windows Defender. We show you how to turn it on in just a few steps.

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