One of the most exciting additions is Project Ink Analysis. With the support, developers will be able to craft pen-focused apps that use the same technology as Office and other Windows offerings. Apps will be able to understand and recognize Ink to increase productivity. The Windows UI Library is another important features. Developers can now utilize it to bring Fluent Design styles and controls to their apps regardless of the user’s Windows version. As long as they have 1607 or higher, they’ll see the new, sleek interface. Meanwhile, the implementation of Adaptive Cards 1.1 addresses a number of issues developers were having. Media Element and Action icons are improved, while a new visual designer makes it much easier to build cards quickly.

Windows 10 SDK Preview Features

The upgraded Windows 10 SDK also offers several preview features, which may be unstable but will give devs time to prepare. Here’s their official explanation:

“Graph Notifications (Preview) offers an enterprise-compliant, people-centric, and cross-platform notifications platform using Microsoft Graph. The tech preview supports iOS, Android, Windows, and the Graph Explorer. UWP XAML hosting API (Preview) allows ‘islands’ of UWP XAML UI elements to be hosted in applications built using non-UWP technologies such as Windows Forms, WPF, or C/C++ Win32, eliminating the need to re-write or re-package your application for UWP. We’ve created a set of WPF and WinForms wrappers for common UI elements that developers can use to save time.”

Finally, Microsoft is promoting its support for Android emulators on Hyper-V. This feature was announced with Build 2018, and comes with all the latest Android APIs. All it requires is a Windows 10 1803 and at least an x86 machine. All of these additions are available thanks to the release of Visual Studio 15.9.1, which is available now. Microsoft says it will share more about the future of Azure, Visual Studio, and Windows on December 4 at its Connect conference.

Windows 10 SDK Update Brings Ink Analysis  Microsoft Graph Notifcations - 33Windows 10 SDK Update Brings Ink Analysis  Microsoft Graph Notifcations - 81Windows 10 SDK Update Brings Ink Analysis  Microsoft Graph Notifcations - 2Windows 10 SDK Update Brings Ink Analysis  Microsoft Graph Notifcations - 35Windows 10 SDK Update Brings Ink Analysis  Microsoft Graph Notifcations - 20